Saturday, December 9, 2017

जाड़े की धूप

जाड़े का महीना
कनकनाती सर्दी
ऐसे में
किसी कोने से कोहरे को चीरती हुई
सुनहरे रंग की धूप का आगमन
हल्की सी झिन-झीनी सी|
जिसे देखते मन खिल उठा
और कह उठा
आहा धूप आगयी
बच्चे खिलखिला उठे
घर में उल्लास सा भर उठा
पेड़ पौधे मानो खुशी से झूम उठे
चिड़ियों की ची ची ने मन को प्रफुलित कर दिया
और मन अनायास ही कह उठा
वाह री जाड़े की  धूप
तू तो धन्य हैं,
जो इस कपकपाहट में
इस धरा के चर अचर जीवो में
प्राण का संचार कर दिया
तुझे नमन, स्नेह|
तू सुनहरी तेरा दिन सुनहरा
देख तेरी मातृमयी स्नेह ने
इस मृत्य प्राय संसार में प्राण भर दिया
जाड़े की धूप, ओ जाड़े की धूप |

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Choti Maa ....Rest In Peace!!

Ram Naam Satya Hain !! This was hitting my ear very hard today..when we were holding you on Bier..I was thinking So soon...Choti Maa!!

Choti Maa....This is what we asked  as kids what should we call you ..when you first came to  our House in  Kiriburu after Marriage  during 2nd week of March 1991......You told .. call  me Choti Maa!! in your evergreen smile...
Can't believe you are no more....Can't forget your smile, your motherly love for us.
Whether it was managing house during big gathering...right from cooking to managing were amazing.
whenever me and my friends wanted to have good was you who never hesitate to host us with variety of cuisines...and the way you use to host feast for us.
when we don't want to was you who use to protect us from Dad. Your words still in my ear..Jaan dijiye bhaiya...mat padh lenge....and Dad use to cool down..!! For me , Chotu &  Sonali you were more like eleder Sister!!! Year  1991 was full of  fun..laughter and year of our Choti Maa.
Time started ticking....we all became busy in our world....Life was going on..with full swing.

Though we were busy in our lives..but whenever family needs you were there for Family and family for you.....!! whether it was our marriages or  Whether it was dark days when dad was sick and admitted in  Vellore  during 2003-04 and Chaacha always there for us. You and chaacha among few who stood with us during those testing times....

I saw your determination after chaacha passed away in Aug 2007... The way you Stood up for Golu's  education..... you worked hard with great determination and excel in your business.You set example for other.
 Never thought in dream that you would leave us so soon...choti Maa.
 Please keep smiling always...wherever you are!! Rest in peace ..Choti Ma!!

मैने समय को जाते देखा
सुबह रुकता नहीं, दिन थमता नहीं
काली, अंधियारी रात होती हैं
डर सा लगता हैं ...पर वो भी छट जाती हैं
फिर सूरज निकलता हैं, नयी आशा बिखेरता हैं
हर तरफ नया उमंग ..नयी तरंग
मन करता हैं काश थोड़ी देर सुबह रुक जाता
पर सुबह रुकता नहीं, पर सुबह रुकता नहीं

बालपन खेलता हैं, माँ की लोरियों में, पिता के कंधे पर
घर में छा जाता हैं नया उल्लास, नयी उमंग
घर गूँज उठता हैं ठिठोलियों से, शरारतों से
माँ कहती हैं ओ बालपन थोड़ा तो ठहर जा
पिता कहता हैं कुछ देर और तो खेल ले मेरे कंधो पर
पर बालपन रुकता नहीं, पर बालपन रुकता नहीं

ऋतु आती हैं, ऋतु जाती हैं
लोग मिलते हैं, लोग बिछड़ते हैं
कभी लगता हैं- काश कुछ देर ये पल, ये लोग रुक गये होते
कोई रुकता नहीं, कोई थमता नहीं

मैने हज़ार कोशिशें की,
उस सुनहरे पल  को पकड़ने की, उसे थामने की
पर मैं हर बार हारा, गिर पड़ा, थक गया
मेरी मुट्ठी खाली ही  रही, कुछ ना लगा मेरे हाथ
बहुत रोया, बहुत छटपटाया, पर कुछ ना हुआ
वो  पल निकल गये, वो पल बदल गये

मैने हज़ार कोशिशें की
उस बुरे वक़्त को भगाने की, बहुत दूर भगाने की
पर मैं फिर हारा, गिर पड़ा, थक गया
कुछ ना हुआ, वक़्त अपनी गति से चलता रहा
मैं मूक बन कर देखता रहा, असहाय सा!!
दुआ करता रहा, प्रार्थना करता रहा
मेरी कोशिशो से अंजान, ये पल भी निकल गये

मैं सोंच रहा था
ये सब क्षण भंगूर हैं
हम सभी इस समय के पथिक हैं
हम सब अकेले हैं इस सफ़र पे
हूमें बस चलना हैं,
कभी मिलना हैं कभी  बिछड़ना हैं
कभी हँसना हैं कभी रोना हैं
कोई इसे रोक सकता नहीं, कोई इसे बदल सकता नहीं
हम सब हैं इसके आगे शुन्य मात्र,
एक मूक दर्शक मात्र!!
इस समय के पहिए मैं पिसते जाना हैं, पिसते जाना हैं

देखो!! मैने समय को जाते देखा
देखो!! मैने समय को जाते देखा

Luv U Choti Maa!! Keep Smiling!!!

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Types of Prana - Both Major & Minor, Nadis and their Significance

There are Five major Pranas - Prana, Apana, Samana, Udana and Vyana.

Prana operates in the region between the Diaphragm and Throat. It is the centre of circulation of Life Energy and maintains the heart and lungs, all activities in the chest region such as breathing, Swallowing and blood circulation.

Apana operates in pelvic region between the navel and perineum and sustains the function of the kidney, bladder, bowels, excretory and reproductive organs.

Samana operates navel and diaphragm, acting as equalizer between the opposite forces of Prana and Apana. It activates and maintains the digestive organs and is responsible for metabolism.

Udana operates in the extremities: the arms, legs, neck and head. It Controls the sensory organs, movement of legs, arms and neck and the activities of the brain. It also assists the activities of Prana, maintains the pranic link between heart and brain and provides energy to the minor pranas.

Vyana pervadesthe whole body and acts as a reserve energy, helping the other pranas when they require an extra boost. It also regulates muscular movement.

Also we have Five Minor Pranas:

Naga - It causes belching and hiccups
Koorma - It helps blinking of eyes and keep them healthy.
Krikara - It causes yawning, hunger and thirst and aids in respiration.
Devadatta - It causes sneezing and also helps in respiration.
Dhananjaya - It prevades the whole body and assists the muscles, arteries, veins and skin. It is the last prana to leave the body after death and is responsible for decomposition of the body.

There are also Fifteen fine currents of Prana, called nadis. Nadi means nerve or current of energy or blood. They carry impulses to and from the brain. Their names are Sushumna, Ida, Pingla, Gandhari, Hastijihwa, Poosha, Ashwini, Shoora, Kuhoo, Saraswati, Varuni, Alambusha, Vishvodari, Shankhini and Chittra. Please note that there are 72000 nadis in the body which carry finer sensation. Of these 3 Nadis are very important - Ida, Pingala and Shushumna as they carry the current of higher knowledge. These are very fine Nadi situated in the spinal cord. They emerge from Mooldhara and meet at Ajna Chakra.
Within Sushumna there are two more nadis:
Outer one is Vajra Nadi while inner one is Chittra Nadi within Chittra is a finer canal known as Brahma Nadi.

The breathing process has definite timetable - the movement of moon

influences the movement and control of  breath.  Breathing controls thinking as well as the past, present and future. In twenty four hours one breathes predominantly through the right nostril for one hour then the left nostril, alternating tweleve times. Left nostril is called Ida or Chandra while right nostril is called Surya or Pingla. During the change from ida to pingala or from pingala to ida Sushumna flows momentarily.

This Sushumna Channel is very important for Kundalini Energy to flow upward!!

~ Reference from Yogasutra of Patanjali ( Samadhi Pada).