Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Life...Life ???

Life ….life… as a kid …life as a young …life as an old person ….what is this life btw ….BIG QUESTION …and perhaps very few have answers.
Is life nothing but managing our expectation ….our near n dear ones expectation …..whole life…fulfilling own ego ….and our near and dear ones ego…Is this “the life”.
What is the definition of leading a good life ….I am happy ….my so and so is happy ….I am satisfied so and so is satisfied . I should get this..I should get that…I …I and I everywhere?????

Being a rebellion from my childhood I was always against the so called good and bad imposed by family ..society ….until unless I get convinced …..I always questioned everyone…if someone said this is the way you should do..this is the right way ..or this is not the right way….I questioned ..rather bombarded them with my questions….

Became young ….and felt bad by seeing double faced people around….whether they were relatives or friends or known person or stranger ..of course not everyone is bad…but in the society where we live…you can find this kind of people more often. I started searching happiness in lots of things....very desperate...highly energetic ..but aimless ….even if I was happy …it was for few min ..few hours or for few days….get irritated…why can’t it last forever….No answer……perhaps I was looking for answer to lots of questions… why are we here in this world …who we are …from where we come …and where we will go … can we live happily ,.,…in harmony ….forever … into the depth of science ….philosophy …but returned empty hand…no convincing answer :( …..
Asked Almighty in my prayer….some kids like question …like who you are..why should I worship you ..why should I go to Temple ..why not Church or mosque per se…what is religion ….if you are everywhere…then why can’t I see you ….feel you ….. No answers…
Was in confusion until few years back …..when I met the Gentleman in my life..He guided me ..with his magic words …he show me the way …the right way ..and said ..go and look for answer to all of your unanswered questions…. ….and slowly all my questions answered automatically ….felt happy ..rather very happy and peace from inside…..Got the direction in life… ….Almighty is very kind to all of us….we must go to HIM after tearing the Veil ..the maya …..In Holy Gita it has described as “Mode of ignorance”….Most of us are in mode of ignorance…we must realize that the reason for coming to this planet is not just the way we live... …..rather we must take necessary steps to realize our self… of the reason for coming to this earth...i.e. who we are…....our identity …our journey ……………..which is very long….
Once we realize the "self" with in us ….life will change ....for sure…in a miraculous way …….How to start ????

To start with do Yoga ( 30 min) , meditation ( at least 10 – 20 min) twice a day ….Try to read some very good and inspiring books like Monk who sold his Ferrari / An Autobiography of yogi / Wings to Freedom / Who will cry when you will die / Greatness guide minimum for 30 min daily and see the miracle in your life…

~ Shalabh